Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Long Road Home

About halfway through last season I came to the conclusion that I wasn't going to be able to put out a full movie this season. Access issues at CBMR, coupled with camera problems, and a lack of availability to go anywhere cool led to a sharp downturn in filming this year. However, I was able to squeeze out a few segments, and ultimately looking back a few weeks ago I realized that with some minor work, and the addition of an intro and credits, that a movie could indeed be had. So I set to work, and this is the end result. I have to say, I am pretty satisfied with it, too. It may not be as neatly made as The Elevation Revelation but I do feel that overall, the cinematography and videography is much better in this one. Enjoy.

The Long Road Home from Whorefish Productions on Vimeo.

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