Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Telluride Day 2

Day 2 was the start of real competition, with the skieurs sending themselves merrily down into the nooks and crannies of "Genevieve". Brian had a good line, but couldn't dial the runout down and crashed. I am still waiting on footage of that, so stay tuned. Alex had a good line and worked his way down through a section of the course that few others wanted a piece of, and ended up in 11th place at the end of the day.

brian on course

brian post-crash


Alex Run 1 from Whorefish Productions on Vimeo.

this is what skiers do when they dont ski: they dig a foxhole and get down

"i can provide you with a lotta shit for y'all, aight? a LOTTA shit...."

great shot of the telluride park with the san mig valley in the background, brought to you by corey

Alex Park 2 from Whorefish Productions on Vimeo.

Alex Hip 1 from Whorefish Productions on Vimeo.

Day 3 coming real soon.

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